Objectives & Functions

The primary objectives for which the Chamber is established are to:
(i)Represent the common interests of the private sector, business and industry on Nauru.
(ii)Promote and advocate a high standard of transparency and good governance in the private sector, business and industry on Nauru.
(iii)Collect and disseminate information concerning all matters of interest to the business community.
(iv)Encourage networking amongst all those interested in furthering opportunities for the growth and success of the private sector, business and industry.
(v)Establish the appropriate mechanism for arbitration, dispute resolution and facilitating the redress and removal of grievances in connection with commerce and industry.
(vi)Encourage ethical standards whereby the transactions of business may be facilitated.
(vii)Assist the private sector in the field of employer relations and promoting good relations between employers and employees.

The primary functions of the Chamber are to:
(i)Represent the business community in any important matter locally and internationally.
(ii)To work with government, government agencies, international organizations, Nauru’s multilateral, and bilateral partners to provide advice with respect to policies and development affecting commerce and industry on Nauru.
(iii)To coordinate technical assistance, co-operation, and exchange for the benefit of the members of the Chamber.
(iv)To coordinate and host meetings, conferences for the resolution of issues pertaining to business, commerce and industry on Nauru.
(v)Facilitate research pertaining to business, commerce, and industry in Nauru.
(vi)Establish ad hoc committees as may be required for furtherance of the Chamber's objectives.
(vii)To receive and accept contributions, subscriptions, gifts and grants from any person, firm, organization, donor partner, or government agency, for the purpose of advancing the objectives of the Chamber.
(viii)To do all things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainability of any or all of the above objectives and to do all such acts as the Council or the Chamber deems appropriate.
Guiding Principles
Our Vision
To create the best environment for members to succeed through the growth of the private sector and the development of business opportunities on Nauru for the benefit of Nauru and Nauruans.
Our Purpose
To connect, support, build and grow a robust private sector within the business community.
Our Key Goals

Fishing Sector
1.Develop value adding services to the Port Precinct in support of enhancing the profitability and sustainability of the fishing sector, with a focus on micro and small fishing enterprises
2.Determine feasibility of establishing a fishing co-operative, or similar structure, focussing on inclusion of micro and small fishing enterprises, promoting sustainable use of Nauru’s fishing resources
3.Establish pathways and mechanisms to value add to current fish catches, increasing income for local enterprises, with a focus on micro and small fishing enterprises.
MSME Capability Building
1.Develop MSME capability to setup and grow using good practice, increasing their resilience and sustainability
2.Develop youth entrepreneur program to support young people to build their business capability in order to establish their own MSMEs
3.Develop an inclusive business network focussed on raising the profile of Nauruan entrepreneurs and fostering greater business linkages and market opportunities in local and international markets.
Sustainable Tourism
1.Development of private sector tourism strategy focussing on inclusive and sustainable tourism, covering COVID and post COVID travel bubble phases
2.Development of COVID phase online travel pilot focussing on virtual experiences and brand awareness building
3.Development of post COVID travel phase tourism focussing on MSME capacity development. Focus on niche not mass tourism.
Diverse Land Use
1.Improve awareness of land usage regulations and opportunities, focussing on promoting Nauruan-led land use dialogue engaging land owners, business owners and investors
2.Explore opportunities to develop pilot project to trial new/alternative land management and business models with interested landowners, business owners and investors
Strategic Statement
The Chamber will initiate and increase engagement with the business community to grow our membership by building and leveraging off our reputation as the most influential and trusted business organisation across the Pacific region.
Strategic Priorities
Actively promote, support and engage with local businesses who share our passion for sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Nauru
Be the go-to information hub for advice and assistance on the successful running of a business
Provide targeted educational programs, flexible business coaching and mentoring, and practical business tools
Develop peer support and various opportunities to develop business relationships, networks and friendships for business
Attract and retain young entrepreneurs in Nauru for these will be our future leaders
Represent private sector business interests and priorities to all levels of government